Textbook on Musculoskeletal Ultrasound | Lars Bolvig Hansen;Ulrich Fredberg;Ole Schifter Rasmussen
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Språk: Danska

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Textbook on Musculoskeletal Ultrasound er en praksisbetonet lærebog. Bogen indledes med et mindre afsnit om ultralydsteknik, hvorefter ultralydsundersøgelse af alle kroppens led beskrives. For hvert led vises 5-6 projektioner af hhv. normalanatomien og almindelige patologiske tilstande, og hvert foto ledsages af en beskrivende tekst. Indholdet dækker kompetencekravene i uddannelsen til speciallæge i reumatologi, og målgruppen er primært reumatologer, fysioterapeuter, kiropraktorer og billeddiagnostiske afdelinger.
Diagnostic ultrasound and MR has revolutionized musculoskeletal imaging. The focus has been on MR-imaging, but modern, high resolution ultrasound can produce similar results, and in many applications perform even better than MR. Today, ultrasound is the “extended finger” of the clinicians, and the continuous, rapid advances in technology will make the modality even more interesting in the future. The aim of this book is to give an introduction to practical musculoskeletal ultrasound. In pictorial form the book presents ultrasound appearances of normal musculoskeletal structures followed by commonly encountered abnormalities in well-defined standard projections.